I updated ngsolve to “NGSolve-6.2.2302-38-g68e747b4f” and now my python script does not work anymore. its really frustrating. Please help me, i got this error and do not know whats wrong because everything work before update :
TypeError: ArnoldiSolver(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (mata: BaseMatrix, matm: BaseMatrix, freedofs: pyngcore.pyngcore.BitArray, vecs: list, shift: complex = <ngsolve.ngstd.DummyArgument>, inverse: Optional[str] = None) -> ngsolve.bla.VectorC
Invoked with: <ngsolve.la.SparseMatrixSt7complexIdE object at 0x7f41d2d8fc70>, <ngsolve.la.SparseMatrixSt7complexIdE object at 0x7f41d2d43b30>, <pyngcore.pyngcore.BitArray object at 0x7f41d2d43df0>, <ngsolve.la.MultiVector object at 0x7f41d2d8d670>, 10