Directly generating a mesh compared to loading the same mesh gives different results

I’m writing a firedrake code using netgen to generate meshes which I then adaptivly refine. For this I have the following code to load/generate meshes:

from firedrake import *
import netgen
from netgen.geom2d import SplineGeometry

def generate_ng_square_circle1( h_max ):
    geo = SplineGeometry()
    circle_pnts = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1),
            (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0),
            (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1)]
    square_pnts = [(2, 2), (-2, 2), (-2, -2), (2, -2)]
    p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9 = [geo.AppendPoint(*pnt) for pnt in circle_pnts]
    p10, p11, p12, p13 = [geo.AppendPoint(*pnt) for pnt in square_pnts]
    circle = [[["spline3", p2, p3, p4], "curve"],
              [["spline3", p4, p5, p6], "curve"],
              [["spline3", p6, p7, p8], "curve"],
              [["spline3", p8, p9, p2], "curve"]]
    square = [[["line", p10, p11], "line"],
              [["line", p11, p12], "line"],
              [["line", p12, p13], "line"],
              [["line", p13, p10], "line"]]
    [geo.Append(c, bc=bc, leftdomain=0, rightdomain=1) for c, bc in circle]
    [geo.Append(c, bc=bc, leftdomain=1, rightdomain=0) for c, bc in square]
    ngmsh = geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=h_max)
    return ngmsh

def load_or_generate_mesh( mesh_name, h_max=0.4 ):
    vol_file = f"meshes/{mesh_name}_{str(h_max).replace('.', '')}.vol"
    if os.path.exists(vol_file):
        ngmsh = netgen.meshing.Mesh()
        print(f"loaded mesh from {vol_file}")
        mesh_function = globals().get(f"generate_{mesh_name}")
        if mesh_function is None:
            raise ValueError(f"no mesh or generator with the name {mesh_name} found.")
        ngmsh = mesh_function(h_max)
        print(f"saved mesh to {vol_file}")
    mesh = Mesh(ngmsh)
    return mesh

I then use netgen adaptive refiinement to refine these meshes.
Now the problem is that I get a different refined mesh when I generated the mesh directly compared to when i generated it earlier and then loaded it from the .vol file.

When generating the mesh directly and then refining I get this:

When loading the already generated mesh from a .vol file and refining I get this:

Can I somehow save/load in a different way so that the geometry of the boundry also gets saved and then adapted correctly?

If you move to the more modern way to define your geometry with netgen.occ then the geometry should be saved with the mesh and refining should also work with the loaded mesh. I think with the SplineGeometry2d you’d need to save the geometry manually and then load it and set it to the mesh before refining.