I want to create a sweep geometry with variable profiles like this.
However, the function “Pipe” in OCC can not use variable cross-sections. How to achieve this target?
Thanks so much.
I want to create a sweep geometry with variable profiles like this.
Netgen.OCC wraps functionality from OpenCascade to Python.
Check if OpenCascade itself supports what you want to do.
If only the wrapping is missing it’s easy to add to Netgen.OCC.
If not, we are not able to help.
Prof. Joachim Schöberl
Thank you so much.
I have searched in OpenCascade and found that the variable cross-section can be implemented, as
(const Handle< Geom_Curve > & Path,
const TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve & NSections
but I am not sure how to add it in python. It would be very nice if NGsolve could add these functions.