I would like to define a function in NGsolve that is locally expressed in terms of barycentric coordinates.
Let Ω be a triangulated domain with a mesh T_h = ⋃ K . Suppose ( f ) is a function on Ω that is locally defined on each triangle K ∈ T_h through its barycentric coordinates (λ_1, λ_2, λ_3), i.e., for each triangle K ∈ T_h
f|_K = f(λ_1, λ_2, λ_3),
where (λ_1, λ_2, λ_3) are the barycentric coordinates of ( K ).
I wonder how to use CoefficientFunction
in NGsolve to represent such a function ( f ).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You can use discontinuous H1 to represent the barycentrics
fes = Discontinuous(H1(mesh, order=1))
lam1 = GridFunction(fes)
lam2 = GridFunction(fes)
lam3 = GridFunction(fes)
lam1.vec.FV().NumPy()[0::3] = 1
lam2.vec.FV().NumPy()[1::3] = 1
lam3.vec.FV().NumPy()[2::3] = 1
def f(l1,l2,l3): return l1*l2
Draw (f(lam1,lam2,lam3), mesh, order=3)
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Thank you very much! This method works well.
Sorry, I have a further question.
When defining a finite element space as
fes = Discontinuous(H1(mesh, order=1))
it seems that this does not work properly for a surface mesh. Could you suggest an alternative for Discontinuous(H1(mesh, order=1)) that works in the case of a surface mesh?
Here is my code:
from netgen.occ import *
from netgen import meshing
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
MESHSURF = meshing.MeshingStep.MESHSURFACE
sp = Sphere(Pnt(0,0,0), r=1)
mesh = Mesh(OCCGeometry(sp).GenerateMesh(maxh=0.2,perfstepsend=MESHSURF))
Draw (mesh, min=0.9, max=1.1);
fes = Discontinuous(H1(mesh, order=1))
lam1 = GridFunction(fes)
lam2 = GridFunction(fes)
lam3 = GridFunction(fes)
lam1.vec.FV().NumPy()[0::3] = 1
lam2.vec.FV().NumPy()[1::3] = 1
lam3.vec.FV().NumPy()[2::3] = 1
def f(l1,l2,l3): return l1*l2
Draw (f(lam1,lam2,lam3), mesh)
Thank you in advance!