Installing Jypyter environment

I am using Python 3.10.5 on Windows 10 pro.

I tried to use pip to install the following script

python -m pip install --upgrade jupyter
python -m pip install --upgrade jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
python -m pip install --upgrade webgui_jupyter_widgets
jupyter nbextension install --user --py webgui_jupyter_widgets
jupyter nbextension enable --user --py webgui_jupyter_widgets

accoding to the following url
However, it says that notebook is too new to install and even when I installed the older versions of the notebook, still it did not work out.

If you go here:

to the very end, I say how I installed it. I do this:

First, install it by:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install jupyter
pip install --upgrade ipykernel
pip install webgui_jupyter_widgets
jupyter nbextension install --user --py widgetsnbextension
jupyter nbextension enable --user --py widgetsnbextension
jupyter nbextension install --user --py webgui_jupyter_widgets
jupyter nbextension enable --user --py webgui_jupyter_widgets

I think the main thing is doing the sudo apt install jupyter, and the ipykernel.

I removed all the package and installed with

python -m pip install --upgrade ngsolve
python -m pip install --upgrade jupyter
python -m pip install --upgrade webgui_jupyter_widgets

I could run Jupyter with no problems.