Dear All,
I’ve been also curious about the L2 projection operator from the fine to the coarse levels - I guess , this is what is meant in the topic title). I’ve been testing an implementation of it a little (see other recent posts of mine) and found that MinRes, for example, throws an error when the prolongation matrix is computed between L2 spaces:
netgen.libngpy._meshing.NgException: Prolongation::GetNDofLevel not overloaded
This behaviour doesn’t manifest for prolongations between H1 spaces. I attach the file where the only thing that happens is the multiplication of a course vector with something that involves prolongation matrix. In fact, it should be the coarse mass matrix computed from the fine level mass matrix. Any help is appreciated!
from netgen.csg import CSGeometry, OrthoBrick, Pnt
from ngsolve import *
cube = CSGeometry()
cube.Add(OrthoBrick(Pnt(-2.0, -2.0, -2.0), Pnt(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)))
Mesh sizes
maxh = 4.0/N #to be refined later
maxH = 4.0/N
#Mesh generation
mesh = Mesh(cube.GenerateMesh(maxh=maxh, quad_dominated=False))
mesh_c = Mesh(cube.GenerateMesh(maxh=maxH, quad_dominated=False))
coef=CoefficientFunction(((3 * pi * pi + 1)*sin(pi * x)*sin(pi * y)*sin(pi * z)))
#FE Spaces
#changing all the L2 spaces to H1 resolves the bug
Vh = L2(mesh, order=1) #fine level space
u, v = Vh.TnT()
Rh = L2(mesh_c, order=1)#coarse level space
Rh_avatar= L2(mesh, order=1)#used only to compute prolongation operator from coarse to fine
#Mesh refinement from level=0 to level=1
Rh_avatar.Update() #Rh remains to be coarse of level=0
Bilinear forms:
mass = BilinearForm(Vh, symmetric=True) #fine level mass matrix M_h
mass += (u * v) * dx
#Grid function
Prolongation operator from mesh-level 0 to level 1:
prol = Rh_avatar.Prolongation().Operator(1)
coarse_to_fine_to_coarse_mass = prol.T @ mass.mat @ prol#=coarse mass matrix
#computing coarse mass_matrix * coarse vector
diff = gfz.vec.CreateVector()
diff += coarse_to_fine_to_coarse_mass * gfz.vec
#!!!error: netgen.libngpy._meshing.NgException: Prolongation::GetNDofLevel not overloaded