Dear community.
It seems that the only solver with the default instalation of NGSolve with PIP and linux installers is UMFPACK.
For instance, on one side I have installed NGSolve using the pip install and Pypi. When trying to run the typical
inv = K.mat.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs(), inverse="mumps")
Then the following error comes:
netgen.libngpy._meshing.NgException: SparseMatrix::InverseMatrix: MumpsInverse not available
Similar error happen with the rest of the solvers like pardiso, superlu, sparsecholesky, etc.
When trying to run the same approach, but now on a Ubuntu 22.04 system and the NGSolve PPA repo, I got the same errors.
What is the proper way of making the solvers available?. Can this be done in an Anaconda environment + pip install?.
Thanks in advance.