Mylittlengsolve and custom install directory

I installed and compiled the “mylittlengsolve” package that was discussed at the usermeeting. However, this time I provided a custom install directory with

cmake … -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your_install_path

(which was stated on the mylittlengsolve github)

But, of course, when I run one of the python scripts, it doesn’t know where “myngspy” is. How do I add that? I tried following similar instructions as for the main NGSolve, but that messed it up.

you need to install the myngspy dir to PYTHONPATH system environment


Is this how to do it:

export MYNGDIR=“/mnt/c/FILES/NGSolve_code/mylittlengsolve/1_Basic/build/CMakeFiles/myngspy.dir”
export PYTHONPATH=$MYNGDIR/…/python3 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1,0,''))"

or is MYNGDIR this:
export MYNGDIR=“/mnt/c/FILES/NGSolve_code/mylittlengsolve/1_Basic/install”

PYTHONPATH should have all the paths where your python libs are installed to included, so it is better to attach it:


where MYNGS_PY_DIR is the location of the myngspy shared library.

It works! Thank you.