I just test the i-tutorials parallel chapter in poisson_mpi.ipynb. When i run the third block it`s error in above line
if comm.rank == 0:
mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1).Distribute(comm))
mesh = Mesh(netgen.meshing.Mesh.Receive(comm))
Hi. I wonder if you have figured out what was happening here. I installed from source on my Linux system with configuration -DUSE_MPI=ON. However, I still have this problem.
Hi wan. I meet this problem when i using apt to install the NGSolve. And i solved this problem by installed from source.That’s intresting.In my opinion,u need to make sure your MPI and mpi4py is fine.
best, Moussa
Thanks! Would you mind telling me the platform of your linux (like Ubuntu) and if you are using openmpi or mpich? I am wondering if it is this subtlety leading to my failure.