Hello everyone,
I’m new in NetGen/ngSolve, I would like to create prismatic (anisotropic) mesh between 2 spheres and import the mesh in Abaqus, for this i used “[color=#e74c3c]closesurfaces[/color]” but it dosn’t work, this is the *.geo file:
RVE long fiber
solid back = plane (0,0,0;0,0,-1);
solid front = plane (0,0,1;0,0, 1);
solid back_half = plane (0,0,0.5;0,0,-1);
solid front_half = plane (0,0,0.5;0,0, 1);
solid left = plane (0,0,0;-1,0,0);
solid right = plane (1,0,0; 1,0,0);
solid left_half = plane (0.5,0,0;-1,0,0);
solid right_half = plane (0.5,0,0; 1,0,0);
solid bot = plane (0,0,0;0,-1,0);
solid top = plane (0,1,0;0, 1,0);
solid bot_half = plane (0,0.5,0;0,-1,0);
solid top_half = plane (0,0.5,0;0, 1,0);
solid HalfFront = top and bot and left and right and front and back and front_half and back_half;
solid HalfLeft = top and bot and left and right and front and back and left_half and right_half;
solid HalfTop = top and bot and left and right and front and back and top_half and bot_half;
solid sphCenter = sphere (0.5,0.5,0.5;0.25) ;
solid sphCenter_2 = sphere (0.5,0.5,0.5;0.255) ;
[color=#e74c3c]identify closesurfaces sphCenter_2 sphCenter;[/color]
solid Interf = sphCenter_2 and not sphCenter and not HalfFront and not HalfLeft and not HalfTop ;
tlo Interf;
I get tetrahedral elements (C3D4) instead of wedge elements (C3D6) !!!
Is anyone know why ??
thank you