Problem saving complex fes solution


I have this solution on a complex HCurl space which is able to be displayed in
the webgui, however if I want to save it in vtk format using

vtk = VTKOutput(mesh,coefs=[gfm],filename="3DSave",subdivision=0)

I get the error

NgException                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[35], line 2
      1 vtk = VTKOutput(mesh,coefs=[gfm],filename="3DSave",subdivision=0)
----> 2 vtk.Do()

NgException: BaseVector<Complex>::GetIndirect<double> called

It seems some Complex number related issue but I’m not sure what.

Thanks in advance

Our vtk output currently only handles double values in vtk output. but you can store real and imag part separately into vtk and then put them together in paraview or where you want it.

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Ok thank you for the information, for now I’ll store the solution using pickle