Problem with meshing

Hello! I am trying to work on the mesh of an airfoil, but importing the .step file apparently does not work for me.
I am loading through OCCGeometry, then generating the mesh and finally setting the H1 with order 3 and Dirichlet BCs.
The code would be as follows (sorry for too many includes)

from ngsolve import *
from netgen.geom2d import SplineGeometry
from netgen.csg import *
import netgen.gui
from netgen.occ import *
from ngsolve import Mesh, H1, Draw
geo = SplineGeometry()
geo = OCCGeometry(“naca_2.5411.step”)
mesh = geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1)
fes = H1(mesh, order=3, dirichlet=[1,2,3,4])

The problem that arises is TypeError: init(): incompatible constructor arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. ngsolve.comp.H1(mesh: ngsolve.comp.Mesh, **kwargs)
But the geometry loads without a problem, same thing for the mesh, it generates well.

The .step file is the following one
naca_2.5411.step (16.1 KB)

Thank you so much in advance for the help!

I could finally mesh, but my problem now lies in having to set Boundaries for the DIRICHLET BCs, as edges are not determined in my file.