Problem with pressure field in confined fluid flow problem. / Taylor-Green Vortex

Hello everyone,
I’m new using NGSolve (1 month) and I’m trying to solve a Taylor-Green Vortex problem in NGSolve. I don’t know if the problem is in the variational form or in the definition of the problem. I guess that it is in the boundary condition imposed. Please if someone can help me to see what it is, I’ll really appreciate it.
I’m using the exact solution to compare and compute the L2 Error of the numerical solution. Also, I’m using the same NS implicit/Explicit scheme shown in the tutorials: Navier Stokes Equation — NGS-Py 6.2.2404-18-gd2e5801de documentation (

Thank you in advance community :slight_smile:

I submit the code developed:

from ngsolve import *
import numpy as np 
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
import ipywidgets as widgets
from netgen.occ import *
from ngsolve.meshes import MakeStructured2DMesh

def F(t): return exp(-2 * np.pi**2 * t)

def vel(t):
    u1 = sin(np.pi * x) * cos(np.pi * y) * F(t)
    u2 = -sin(np.pi * y) * cos(np.pi * x) * F(t)
    u_cond = CoefficientFunction((u1,u2))
    return u_cond

def pre(t):
    term1 = sin(2 * np.pi * x)**2
    term2 = sin(2 * np.pi * y)**2
    pre_cond = CoefficientFunction(-0.5 * (term1 + term2) * F(t)**2)
    return pre_cond

#Mesh generation
bbname = ["Pressure_Point"]

#Geometry and Mesh parameters
n = 50; coord = [(0.1,0.1)]

#mesh = MakeStructured2DMesh(quads=True, nx=n,ny=n, mapping= lambda x,y : (L*x,L*y))
mesh = MakeStructured2DMesh(quads=True, nx=n,ny=n, mapping= lambda x,y : (L*x,L*y), bbpts=coord, bbnames=bbname)

V = VectorH1(mesh,order=2, dirichlet="left|bottom|right|top")
Q = H1(mesh,order=1)
X = V*Q

u,p = X.TrialFunction()
v,q = X.TestFunction()

nu = 1  # viscosity
stokes = (nu*InnerProduct(grad(u), grad(v))+ \
    div(u)*q+div(v)*p - 1e-10*p*q)*dx

a = BilinearForm(stokes).Assemble()

#nothing here ...
f = LinearForm(X).Assemble()

#gridfunction for the solution
gfu = GridFunction(X)

#Boundary conditions 
gfu.components[0].Set(vel(t), BND)   # Velocity temporal-BC 
gfu.components[1].Set(0, BBND)       # Pressure Point Condition

#Initial Conditions

tau = 0.01 # timestep

mstar = BilinearForm(u*v*dx + tau*stokes).Assemble()
inv = mstar.mat.Inverse(X.FreeDofs(), inverse="sparsecholesky")

conv = BilinearForm(X, nonassemble=True)
conv += (Grad(u) * u) * v * dx

t = 0; i = 0
tend = 1

scene = Draw (gfu.components[0], mesh)
scene_p = Draw (gfu.components[1], mesh)

tw = widgets.Text(value='t = 0')

wn = GridFunction(X)
p_exac = GridFunction(X)

scene_ex_v = Draw (p_exac.components[0])
scene_ex_p = Draw (p_exac.components[1])

u_n = gfu.components[0]
p_n = gfu.components[1]

with TaskManager():
    while t < tend:
        t = round(t,4)
        res = conv.Apply(gfu.vec) + a.mat*gfu.vec -= tau * inv * res

        u_n1 = gfu.components[0]
        p_n1 = gfu.components[1]


        u_ex = p_exac.components[0]
        p_ex = p_exac.components[1]

        Vel_L2_Error = sqrt(Integrate((u_ex-u_n1)**2, mesh))
        Pre_L2_Error = sqrt(Integrate((p_ex-p_n1)**2, mesh))

        Vel_Rel_Error = sqrt(Integrate((u_n1-u_n)**2, mesh))
        Pre_Rel_Error = sqrt(Integrate((p_n1-p_n)**2, mesh))

        print('Velocity L2 Error:',Vel_L2_Error)
        print('Pressure L2 Error:',Pre_L2_Error)
        u_n = wn.components[0]
        p_n = wn.components[1]

        t = t + tau; i = i + 1
        if i%10 == 0: 

            if i%10 == 0: tw.value = "t = " + str(t)
    tw.value = "t = "+str(tend)