Quasi-Static solution with Timesteppers

Hello together,

the new timesteppers are great. But wouldn’t it be nice if the u.dt term evaluates to zero in case of classical use of bilinear form and solver.

Consider e.g. following problem:

from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from netgen.occ import *

shape = Rectangle(1,1).Face()

mesh = Mesh(OCCGeometry(shape, dim=2).GenerateMesh(maxh=0.05))
fes = H1(mesh, order=4, dirichlet="left|right")
u,v  = fes.TnT()

eq = ( grad(u) * grad(v) + u.dt * v) * dx
gfu = GridFunction(fes)

def init_gfu(gfu):
    t_left = 10
    t_right = 20
    t_ref = 15
    gfu.Interpolate(mesh.BoundaryCF({"left": t_left, "right": t_right}, default=t_ref),definedon=mesh.Boundaries("left|right"))

works as expected in case of timestepper usage:


ts = timestepping.ImplicitEuler(equation=eq, dt=1e-1)
scene = Draw(gfu)

def callback(t, gfu):
ts.Integrate(gfu, start_time=0, end_time=2, callback=callback)

But if we plug eq directly into a bfa and solve the same problem, the u.dt evaluates to u and we get a different result instead of the quasi-static solution:


a = BilinearForm(fes, symmetric=True)
a += eq.Compile()

solvers.Newton(a=a, u=gfu, inverse="sparsecholesky", printing=False)
scene = Draw (gfu)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
X = np.linspace(0, 1, num=100)
Y = np.ones_like(X) * 0
plt.plot(X, gfu(mesh(X, Y)))

Hi Nils,
thank you for the hint. We will throw an exception if there is a u.dt term in a Newton solver (which assumes to solve a stationary problem).
You have to replace the u.dt by a Zero-CF of the same shape.

Hi Joachim,
probably you are right, and an exception is the desired behavior.
I will replace the .dt on my own. Seems to be more or less straight forward, with the timestepping implementations in hand.


back again to timesteppers. A couple of equations do not work with “equation.Replace(…)” and raise an NgException: Transform not overloaed NgException. There are at least three (maybe many more) that I would like to use:

NgException: Transform not overloaed, desc = symmetric,

NgException: Transform not overloaed, desc = class ngfem::IfPosCoefficientFunction,

NgException: Transform not overloaed, desc = scalar-vector multiply

Is it possible to implement them?
Best regards, Nils

Should now be there:

Thanks for the modifications.
Now I get the next exception:
Transform not overloaed, desc = matrix-vector multiply

Sorry for bothering :wink: