Scale the inverse of matrix

Dear all,

I have tried implementing the MHSS preconditioner for the CG solver in NGSolve.

P = (1 + j)(B + C) where B is the real part and C is the imaginary part.
I could calculate
a_pre_inv = a_pre.Inverse(fes_pre.FreeDofs(), inverse="sparsecholesky") where a_pre is B + C.
Is there any way to scale this inverse with 1/(1-1j) and use this matrix as a preconditioner for the CG solver of the complex system?

Any help is highly appreciated.

Best regards,

Maybe there is even an easier way, but one way is to derive from BaseMatrix and implement the scaling there. Something like this:

class ScaledBaseMat(BaseMatrix):
  def __init__(self, mat):
    self.mat = mat

  def Mult(self, x, y): = self.mat * x
    y[:] *= 1/(1-1j)

and then use this matrix in your preconditioner.

See here for an example of such a BaseMatrix overload:

1 Like

Dear Christopher,

Thank you for your response. I have time to look into it again.
However, the solver did not converge. I have implemented this preconditioner in Scipy by exporting the matrix from NGSolve and it does work. When exporting the matrix, I removed the row and column with fixed DOFs. I reckon that the CG solver did not converge because the fixed DOFs are also taken into consideration if I just used:

a_pre_inv = a_pre.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs())
pre = ScaledBaseMat(a_pre_inv)
inv = CGSolver(a.mat, pre, maxiter=2000, tol=1e-8, printrates=True, conjugate = False)

I wondered if there should be some way to deal with fixed DOFs when creating a Preconditioner in NGSolve.
Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you so much for your time.

Best regards,

Dear Christopher,

I figured it out. when constructing the bilinear form of a_pre, I set the
complex = False for H1 because it was a real number space. I tried with complex = True. It works. The solver does converge.

Best regards,

NGSolve contains a built-in scaled matrix, you can write s*matrix to generate a scaled matrix.
And, there is a real2complex wrapper, which allows to apply a real matrix to complex vectors (by applying it to the real, and the imaginary parts separately):

from import Real2ComplexMatrix
Ac = 1/(1-1j) * Real2ComplexMatrix(A)

best, Joachim

Dear Jachim,

Thank you for your suggestion. Indeed, the inverse is now faster as it is a real space. I changed the code to

class ScaledBaseMat(BaseMatrix):
  def __init__(self, mat):   
    self.mat = mat

  def Mult(self, x: BaseVector, y: BaseVector):
    Ac = 1/(1+1j) * Real2ComplexMatrix(self.mat) = Ac * x

It works for direct inverse:
a_pre_inv = a_pre_b.mat.Inverse(fes_pre.FreeDofs() , inverse="sparsecholesky")

When dealing with a bigger matrix, this inverse is expensive, therefore, I used iterative solver to compute:

preJpoint = a_pre_b.mat.CreateSmoother(fes_pre.FreeDofs())
a_pre_inv = CGSolver(a_pre_b.mat, pre=preJpoint, maxiter=1000, tol=1e-2, printrates=False)

However, I got the error when executing = Ac * x
RuntimeError: bad_weak_ptr

do you have any suggestions about it?

Best regards,

Hi VienC,

can you send a MWE for that ? It looks like we miss to keep a shared object somewhere.

You can directly use Ac = 1/(1+1j) * Real2ComplexMatrix(self.mat) instead of your own ScaledBaseMat. Justs create it once, and keep that BaseMatrix (= linear operator). Does it lead to the same problem ?


Dear Joachim,

I implemented your suggestion, but it has not worked.
I think about the problem again. Even if one defines a_pre_inv = CGSolver(a_pre_b.mat, pre=preJpoint) as a real matrix and then computed = 1/(1+1j) * a_pre_inv * x (applying a preconditioner to a vector x). The complex problem is solved as x is a complex vector.

This can be organized as the solution of two real systems. One for the real part and one for the imaginary part. I have tried:

class ScaledBaseMat(BaseMatrix):
  def __init__(self, mat, freedofs: BitArray = None):      
    self.mat = mat

  def Mult(self, x, y):

    x_real = x.FV().NumPy().real
    x_imag = x.FV().NumPy().imag

    x1 = BaseVector(0.5*(x_real + x_imag))
    x2 = BaseVector(0.5*(x_imag - x_real))
    y_real = self.mat * x1
    y_imag = self.mat * x2 =  y_real + 1j * y_imag

However, it does not work. I have successfully implemented the BiCGStab solver in NGSolve. Any suggestion to improve the BiCGStab solver and apply the MHSS preconditioner using an iterative solver is highly appreciated.

I attached the MWE script. Thank you so much for your time.

Best regards,
VC (14.6 KB)

Dear Joachim,

Is there any way to set a real vector to a real part of a complex vector and another real vector to an imaginary part of the same complex vector? The workaround below gives the expected results, but there might be a more efficient way to avoid multiplication. = -1j*1j*y_real += 1j*y_imag

Best regards,
Vien Che

with the .FV() you get a view of the vector memory, with it you can extract real/imaginary components.

v = CreateVVector(5, complex=True)
v[:] = 1+2j

vr = CreateVVector(5)
vi = CreateVVector(5)

vr.FV()[:] = v.FV().real
vi.FV()[:] = v.FV().imag

print (v, vr, vi)