Segmentation fault when exporting to abaqus format

Dear developers,

When I try to export a mesh (20K elements) to abaqus , I get a segmentation fault. I am using the command:

mesh.Export(mesh_filename, ‘Abaqus Format’)

Surprisingly, the mesh can be written for Gmsh2 format as well as saved with mesh.Save() command in .vol format, so I’m puzzled as to why this happens.

For reference, I am running netgen both on a MacOS arm64 and on Windows, and these are my imports:
from netgen.csg import *
from netgen.meshing import MeshingParameters

Maybe this is unrelated, but I also tried updating, reinstalling, creating new conda/mamba environments and nothing seems to work. I cannot import netgen nor ngsolve as I get the ‘cannot import Redraw’ error. Even after updating the packages, I could not solve it, not even after installing netgen-mesher. In fact, it was working fine before I updated it. Maybe conflicting installations are to blame…?

Thank you for your help in advance,

Best wishes,