I am trying to mesh a geometry that consists of a cube with a sphere and cylinders cut out. I want to use the physical sizes of the domain, which means there are some small features I want to resolve. The attached script works fine if the geometry is, for example, in a unit cube, but crashes or gets stuck if letting the size of the domain be smaller than 1/1000. (1/1000 works, but 1/1100 fails. The size I want to use is 1/2800).
All features that I want to include are scaled with the side length of the cube, hence it is only a matter of scaling the size of the gridded domain.
I have tried several things, which makes it fail in different ways.
- If I do not specify a maxh, the script hangs and gives a segementation fault when I stop it.
Developed by Joachim Schoeberl at
2010-xxxx Vienna University of Technology
2006-2010 RWTH Aachen University
1996-2006 Johannes Kepler University Linz
Including OpenCascade geometry kernel
optfile ./ng.opt does not exist - using default values
togl-version : 2
OCC module loaded
loading ngsolve library
Using Lapack
Including sparse direct solver UMFPACK
Running parallel using 16 thread(s)
Start Findpoints
Analyze spec points
Find edges
Start Findpoints
Analyze spec points
Find edges
Start Findpoints
Analyze spec points
Find edges
Surface 1 / 16
Thank you for using NGSolve
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- If specifying maxh (relative to the cube side length) it gives an error and then hangs.
Developed by Joachim Schoeberl at
2010-xxxx Vienna University of Technology
2006-2010 RWTH Aachen University
1996-2006 Johannes Kepler University Linz
Including OpenCascade geometry kernel
optfile ./ng.opt does not exist - using default values
togl-version : 2
OCC module loaded
loading ngsolve library
Using Lapack
Including sparse direct solver UMFPACK
Running parallel using 16 thread(s)
Start Findpoints
Analyze spec points
Find edges
Start Findpoints
Analyze spec points
Find edges
Start Findpoints
Analyze spec points
Find edges
Surface 1 / 16
ERROR: Problem in Surface mesh generation
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 38, in <module>
netgen.libngpy._meshing.NgException: Problem in Surface mesh generation
Do I have to respect anything in terms of mesh size? Or are there any constraints or limitations for gridding small features in netgen?
I found a similar post in the old forum, but it did not explain the solution nor solve my problem.
smallmesh.py (1.1 KB)